Tuesday, October 1, 2013

KickassTorrents Pro APK download v2.2

KickassTorrents Pro v2.2 APK download 

Cover art
Search and download the best torrent files with one of the most popular torrent sharing communities – KickassTorrents (KAT). 
The application provides a convenient interface to KickassTorrents web-site (http://kickass.to), but can be also used separately as torrent client app. You can easily manage all your downloads, customize search requests using special filters and also add links to torrent files manually. 

This is the pro version of the ap
plication, free of advertisements. 

We would be grateful to you for any suggestions (questions, bug reports) to our e-mail: kickasstorrentsapp@gmail.com 
Please, note: the application executes successfully on devices with ARM processors only. 

Basic (free) app version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ph.kat.torrentclient 

Kickass is not a tracker and hosts no content, it only provides the access to already available torrents in a same way as Google and other search engines do. 

What's New 
"Choose files" option added (beta mode). Use "Settings" to switch it. 


Download  3.2MB apk via

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