TerraTime 3.91 APK Free Download Android App. The nature of time! Visually stunning real-time virtual Earth. Fed by satellite imagery to display day/night, clouds, seasons, sun, moon and more. Day/night clock (with widget) tracks phases of the moon, sunrise, sunset and transit times.
Instructions :
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Instructions :
- Download App
- Install APK
- Real-time simulations include clouds, city lights, sea ice, and more, generated from actual satellite imagery
- Clock and compass also show sunrise & sunset; moon phase, moonrise & set; twilight & transit times
- Globe and map are fully interactive, using touchscreen or device sensors
- Easily shows any date, any location
- Clock and globe widgets, each in multiple sizes
- Live wallpapers for real-time map and globe
- Tablet compatible
- Fix bug: map layers not scaling correctly on certain devices.
- Fix bug: when returning to home screen, globe LWP recenters on whatever pane is current, rather than the center home screen.
- Fix rare crashes in Clock activity and Map LWP.
- Increase map/globe resolution on capable devices
- Move clock location label to bottom of widget
- Update look of date & location display on Android 3+
- Move About out of Settings
- Add XXHDPI launcher icon
- Dim some false "city lights" in western Australia and the Sea of Japan (see http://1.usa.gov/VpXvkX)
- Disable LWP rotate option for incompatible launchers
- Fix some rendering glitches on specific configurations
- Various other bug fixes
- Discontinue support for original Galaxy Tab 7
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