FeedMe (RSS Reader | Feedly) 1.3.4 apk download
- No AD.
- Offline Reading with pictures and full text.
- Simple UI.
- Custom feeds you want to sync
- Support star & tag
- Support Pocket (Read it later), Instapaper
- Support swipe left and right in article list page.
- Offline reading(with pictures and full text)
- Automatic synchronization
- Instant state sync
- Read-friendly UI(uniform font, color, format of page)
- Built-in Picture Viewer
- Themes: light, dark and night
- Unread count widget.
- Volume buttons navigation
- Send to Email, SMS and social services through installed apps
- Custom feeds you want to sync
- Support star & tag
- Support Pocket (Read it later), Instapaper
- Support swipe left and right in article list page.
- Offline reading(with pictures and full text)
- Automatic synchronization
- Instant state sync
- Read-friendly UI(uniform font, color, format of page)
- Built-in Picture Viewer
- Themes: light, dark and night
- Unread count widget.
- Volume buttons navigation
- Send to Email, SMS and social services through installed apps
Q:How to see one feed only, not whole category?
A:Click arrow icon, it will show all feeds.
Q:How to see one feed only, not whole category?
A:Click arrow icon, it will show all feeds.
- Toshiharu Takamatsu (日本語)
- Francisco Gomez (español)
- Юрий Лужинский (русский)
- Marcelo Lipas (Português (Brasil))
- Julien Stephan (Français)
- Grigore Frisan (român)
- Toshiharu Takamatsu (日本語)
- Francisco Gomez (español)
- Юрий Лужинский (русский)
- Marcelo Lipas (Português (Brasil))
- Julien Stephan (Français)
- Grigore Frisan (român)
Internationalization is a difficult thing for a single developer. If you like FeedMe and want a localized FeedMe , more convenient to use, please contact me. Mail : dxdroid@gmail.com
1.3.4 version:
- Bug fixed: Can’t download web page .
- Bug fixed: Can’t download web page .
- Support one-click save to Pocket, Instapaper, Readability and Evernote.
- Now you can switch between feed view, web view and open in browser in the bottom of article page. And you can change web view(mobilizer view) via long click the second button.
- Add a option to keep the action bar.
- Add a option to just sync images.
- Uncategorized feeds back to top level.
- Fixed garbled characters in web view.
- Support one-click save to Pocket, Instapaper, Readability and Evernote.
- Now you can switch between feed view, web view and open in browser in the bottom of article page. And you can change web view(mobilizer view) via long click the second button.
- Add a option to keep the action bar.
- Add a option to just sync images.
- Uncategorized feeds back to top level.
- Fixed garbled characters in web view.
Current Version: 1.3.4
Requires Android: 2.1 and up
Requires Android: 2.1 and up
Download 0.6MB apk via
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